
Postgraduates Studies

 A postgraduate is a study after out of the university and finish of the career. This can be about the career, specific points or subjects, for example in architecture this are an urbanism or structural or landscape.  Study a postgraduate open possibilities in jobs or in general in the working life. Sadly, the study in Chile is very expensive, exist different programs for help to students with the money, but the limits are not very justice.  Therefore, the students finish the career with debts or CAE, so study after is very complicated. Where to do it? is a good ask, currently I don`t know, because isn`t a topic for me now. First, I hace to finish architecture, maybe in 6th semester I know, because could be a topic more near for my reality. But now, I don`t know where, but I would like go other country, so the idioms is very important for me.   How support this? I really, I dont know jajaja now I have gratuity, this process was very difficult in the past year, but I very happy with thi

Academic Challenges 2021

In this years, of pandemic, the learn is more difficult. For us and for the teachers, I think. We can´t saw the face of the person in the room, can`t interact with the partners or with the teacher for ask something.  In the zoom, or class online, We don`t have space alone with the teacher where we can ask and no one listened to us. I think that pademic, is a bad moment but there that learn about her. And for a things improve, we need strive and better with the time and care between us. I have a goals in the present year, that is learn about my major and know that I like for after, for my minor. And with this, I can order my life and mi actions in the next years. But no all is beautiful, in the beginnings, was difficult. My family, my little brothers in class, work in the night for the tasks and in the next day, all again.  And I think that, my case is a gentle case, because should be exist serious or complicated cases. But in this time, I can and maybe We can be stay with our families.

My dream job

 When I was little, my dream job was my mom`s job. She is kinesiologist and she is all for me. In this moment I think that is very cool and amazing.  After, In the school, during the average, I think in different job. I considered forensic medicine, engineering mining or industrial or architecture patrimonial or structural. First, I knew that i don`t liked the hospital, my mom all the time was there. And this I dont wanted for my life, so the job doctor or kinesiologist discarded it. After, only two options and continuing thinking what is my dream job? I dont knew and I had other things more important, por example, Nem or psu or ranking, hard words for to enter to university. As long as, I liked the math and physics, so I think that the engineering was the answer. And my teachers seen the future in this job and I believed this. But months before of enter university, I knew it. I liked engineering but I want other think. In the summer of 2020, I was go to the university (FAU) for an int

The Role of Technology in my Profession and Life

 Currently the technology in my profession, is everything.  My thing favorite is my laptop, in this moment this is very required for online class, but the laptop is necessary for different things in architecture career. My relationship with the technology is sometimes difficult because i dont know how used. Is new for me because I had never the laptop, only cellphone and used the laptop and one only mine.  Normally I do with the technology is used for my career, used differents programs how autocad, rhinoceros, photoshop, Indesign, etc. Or I used for entertainment with different platforms how netflix, primer video, friv, youtube, moreover in the laptop I played minecraft with many architecture`s people. However, I used the computer generally for study, learn different texts, see videos that teachers they send, realized tasks in word or power point.  I think that the computer is useful for many things and now with the pandemic is necessary for many things in the life in house.  When the

The Best Concert/Holiday Ever

 About the topic the best concert, really I was go only one. But this concert was amazing. I had 13 years old, in 2014, Big Time Rush a band of teen music, they had a program in nickelodeon and I loved them. The band consist of four boys, Carlos, Kendall, James and Logan. In the serie only changed surname. The band end after of the "World Tour" but currently returned and They will have two concert in Manhattan and Chicago ( sad because not is Chile) Continuing with the story, the concert was in Movistar Arena in Stgo and I was go with my mom ( I was very little for go alone). In the car, when we go to Stgo, I singed all songs and taught the dance to my mom. This concert are the best, I remember that I wanted this.  I asked of gift for my birthday, christmas, for everything, just to be able to go hahaha. In the Movistar my mom bought a t-shirt with firms of integrants of band, the flag with the logo of the tour and the jockey with BTR written. During of the concert I singed an

A country/place I would love visiting

Copenhague, city  for the people 👥 I would like to visit  Copenhague in Denmark, your capital. This place i would like visit because is a big culture of bicycle and walked. The people ir very healthy for this reasons so I think that this is so interesting and motivational for the rest. I know this because in past semester, in the "Sostenibilidad Urbana", I studied this place and I love it. I had to present about this city in there class and finally i like so much for different reasons. The reasons are, first that I had said before, this that the people is first in the street, in the city, in the urbanism. This place have this urban plan since 1949 thanks an architect Jan Gehl.  A plan that considered at the people is first in the town, for open the street for the people, for walk and open more bike street. I would like to do everything, really, the city is for the people so you can walk, shopping, eat and other activities in the city, and the amazing thing is that you can to

Post 7: Career Related Website

Hello, today I tell us about my favorite social network and your relation with my major. Instagram is my favorite social network and I know that frequently I am in this network therefore I fallow different accounts about architecture, buildings, etc. Two of they, is "Catalogo Arquitectura" and "Arcux", in they I can learn about new topic about my major, for example, when I had to present the power point about "Architecture and Neuroarchitecture". This idea born one night when I was with my phone in Instagram and Arcux uploaded a post about neuroarchitecture with shorts texts about this topic, these night I  was very happy when I know about the science in the architecture and very  interesting. Is a good idea follow accounts about topic that interest me, because finally the time "lost" is exploited. Therefore is learn while I have fun. And Finally, I have an account about workshop 2, in this account i have my progress in this semester, so I invite